Welcome to the WP Book+ Club!

Each month, we’ll be sharing interesting books, articles, podcasts, and videos that promote both personal and organizational empowerment and wellness. Balancing the head and heart, we aim to bring you resources that are helpful to you and your team.

On this page, we’ll store links to the media we share so you can come back to them as needed. Think of it as the WP Library.

Each month, we’ll invite you to a Zoom call to engage on one of our selections. We value community participation and look forward to thoughtful and engaging discussions.  

Some of the topics and themes we’ll be exploring include:

  • Indigenous knowledge & experience
  • Organizational behaviour
  • Leadership skills
  • Workplace wellness
  • Emotional & Spiritual wellness
  • Financial wellness

We approach our selection process from the “IDEALSS” values-based framework. Each piece of media will come from one or more of these perspectives:

  • Intersectionality
  • Decolonization
  • Equity
  • Anti-Racism
  • Lived and Living Experience
  • Sex and Gender-Based Analysis
  • Social Determinants of Health

As a co-created club, we want your ideas as well! If you come across a book or media piece that you feel will be beneficial to this group, let us know and we’ll share it. 

Happy reading! And listening, watching, discussing… 

WP Selections

October: The Three Chairs - Dr. Karyn Gordon (book)
November: Relationships 2.0: The Power of Tiny Interactions - Hidden Brain (podcast)
December: Saving for Tomorrow, Tomorrow - Schlomo Benartzi (TEDTalk video)

January: Treaty Words: For As Long As the Rivers Flow - Aimée Craft with Luke Swinson (book)
February: A Few Thoughts on Spending Money - The Morgan Housel Podcast (podcast)
March: Life In Two Worlds: A Coach’s Journey from the Reserve to the NHL and Back - Ted Nolan (book)